المرجع: MVA358AVT303

آلة الإسبريسو وايت ايقل بتقنية T3 و ثلاث مجموعات (MVA358AVT303) من فكتوريا أردوينو

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لة الإسبريسو نوفا سيمونيلي اوريليا 2

د.إ. 0
(شامل ضريبة القيمة المضافة)

لة الإسبريسو نوفا سيمونيلي اوريليا 2

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وصف المنتج
  • تتيح تقنية Victoria Arduino T3 للباريستا ضبط ثلاث درجات حرارة: بالنسبة لمجموعة التخمير ، وتسريب المياه ، وبخار كل رأس على حدة
  • عصا التبخير بتقنية تعمل على جعلها باردة عند لمسها لمزيد من السلامة وسهولة التنظيف
  • تحكم في كل شيء باستخدام شاشة عرض مضاءة
  • القدرة على رفع وخفض رأس المجموعة ليتناسب مع أي كوب
  • سعة غلاية البخار: 17.3 لتر
  • سعة غلاية القهوة: 0.7 لتر
التيار (فولت)
التردد (هيرتز)
القوة الجهد (واط)
Amperage (A)
Group head
رأس المجموعة قابل للبرمجة
عدد صنابير المياه
السخان مصنوع من
نحاس مقاوم للصدأ عازل للحرارة
عدد سخانات الماء
Heat Exchanger
سعة غلَّاية البخار (لتر)
General information
نوع المضخة
Country of Origin
ضمان المُصنِّع (سنوات)
عدد رؤوس المجموعة
نوع آلة الإسبريسو
تحكم حجمي
نوع القابس (عالمي)
نيما 50 - 6
Portafilters & tampers
Portafilter Size (mm)
Pressure Control
نوع نظام الغلاية
Single Boiler
الوزن (كيلوغرام)
Height (mm)
Depth (mm)
العرض (ملم)
Brew Temperature Control
التحكم في وضع الضغط
أنبوب التبخير قابل للبرمجة
الخصائص البارزة
T3 System, Soft Infusion System, Cool touch Wands,
صينية تسخين الأكواب
نوع الشاشة
ال سي دي

أسس بيير تيريسيو أردوينو شركة فكتوريا أردوينو في عام 1905 بهدف صنع آلة اسبرسو بأداء وجودة عالية. وقد نجح في هذا، وتوسعت الشركة منذ ذلك الحين لتقوم بتصنيع غيرها من معدات القهوة. تتميز منتجات فكتوريا أردوينو بجودتها العالية، وجاذبيتها، وقيمتها الجمالية. ولا تزال رؤيته مستمرة اليوم من خلال شركته التي تقدم منتجات بتكنولوجيا مبتكرة مثل آلة الإسبريسو العائلية فينوس. بل إنها توسعت لتنتج طاحنات ذكية مثل طاحنة MDJ On Demand.

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ضمان عام واحد مع خدمة ممتازة

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توصيل مجاني عند الشراء بقيمة 500 د.إ. أو أكثر

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المزيد عن هذا المنتج

Victoria Arduino 358 White Eagle T3 3 Group Espresso Machine

If you are looking for an espresso machine with a stunning design and absolute performance, then the Victoria Arduino 358 White Eagle can be the solution to all your problems. It signifies the modern industrial espresso machine design and execution.

The Victoria Arduino 358 White Eagle is notoriously popular for its striking appearance and implausible exactitude; it is especially for active and excellence demanding coffee shops around the globe.

The Victoria Arduino White Eagle T3 is premeditated with an accurate thermal technology. It's assembled with two copper insulated boilers and equipped with T3 technology. This technology offers the barista control over 3 different temperatures; the steam boiler, the brew boiler, and the saturated group head.

It enables the proficiency of espresso abstraction, certifying excellent quality, and conserving the veracity of the delicate temperature espresso.

Any group head temperature can be adjusted on demand for any coffee profile, maximizing the extraction of all the notes and flavors of the coffee.

Elegant Design

It has an entire construction of aluminum and steel. Both of Its sides are aluminum slats that present the hull with eagle wings like appearance. It consists of several controls that contrive to present it with a startling blend of performance and aesthetics. The ergonomics get precise care, to make sure the barista can function rapidly, and safely while ensuring the comfort level remains at its highest.

TFT Display

One of the most admired features of the Baristas is the TFT display. It gives the complete user control over the espresso machine. Baristas can adjust and observe shot duration, the temperature of the brewing (independently for each group), steam (boiler) pressure, group temperature, additional pre-infusion, and energy efficiency.

Volumetric Treating

Victoria Arduino 358 White Eagle T3 is a  volumetric machine that lets baristas function espresso abstraction via a control panel. This feature intends on giving the utmost regulation over the consistency of espresso

The espresso machine inserts the correct volume of water for each programming automatically.  It eliminates the chances of an error as it always uses the ideal standard to prepare the espresso. It also lets baristas multitask and make multiple orders at once.


It is a feature that is not common in all the volumetric machines. It's a switch that intends to offer the user manual regulation of the espresso volume.

This feature is particularly useful when for ristretto, shots, long shots, and modified espressos. It presents baristas better compliance to prepare beverages for customers with unique requirements.

Soft Distillation System

A soft Distillation system allows the pulverized coffee to be gradually saturated in the group head along a small pressure stream of water for a few seconds before the event of complete extraction.

The advantage of using this process is the improved extraction of flavor. It avoids concentrating that would leave specific parts of the coffee puck unscathed by the stream of hot water and safeguards that every possible coffee nuances finishes off in the last creation.

Additionally, it's an easy way to confirm that indecorous cramming doesn't end have to affect the quality of the product as it resolves the coffee and assures smooth extraction.

Elevated Group Heads

This characteristic allows baristas to place cups of all sizes precisely below the group head for express brewing.

Without a system of this sort, espresso has to be brewed inside shot glasses for bigger drinks and then moved into the cup, frequently crushing the crème that is present on espresso and consuming a lot of time as well.

Shot Regulator

An integrated shot regulator is present in every brew head of the white eagle to provide the baristas with the ability to regulate espresso shots independently.

It might not seem like the most prominent feature; however, most of the espresso machine owners that do not have this feature end up getting a new timer anyways. Therefore the detail might be small, but it is pretty useful.

Cold Touch Rods

Steam wands used for frothing milk for mocha, latte, or any other of your favorite flavors ends up leaving the rods pretty hot. However, this espresso machine won’t let you burn your hands.

Since the wands are premeditated with thermal insulation, this effectively reduces the chances of rods getting heated, leaving the touch rods in a lot more bearable state.

Automatic Cleaning

The white eagle features an automatic cleaning function that is for every individual group. The barista simply has to select which group needs cleaning on the display screen, and the machine will do the rest on its own.


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